0eThis is Kick-Me, the Magic Kickstart Bootdisk07 for 0cRed Hat0f Linux 7.2!07 for the 09Vassar College LIGO Grid Cluster07 Eric Myers - 26 June 2003 * To 0finstall 0cRed Hat0f Linux 7.207 using Kickstart via FTP (and updated via FTP) from noether.vassar.edu type: 0elinux ks=floppy 07 or just press the 0e07 key. * To 0finstall07 on a 0alaptop07 from the 0aCD-ROM07 using Kickstart, type: 0elaptop 07 0c(Not working yet!)07 * To 0fupgrade07 using Kickstart via FTP, type: 0eupgrade 07 * To enable expert mode, type: 0elinux expert 07 * To enable rescue mode, type: 0elinux rescue 07 * If you have a driver disk, type: 0elinux dd 07 Use the function keys listed below for more information: 02[F1-Main] [F2-General] [F3-Expert] [F4-Kernel] [F5-Rescue] [F6-HELP]07