Pirates@Home: Manage Project Applications
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Pirates@Home Applications

ID # Name
weight Homogeneous
deprecated? DELETE?*
6 hello
hello - Hello, BOINC World!
15 Jun 2004 18:24:41 UTC
7 yello
yello - Simplest BOINC graphics application
6 Jul 2004 19:34:35 UTC
8 lalanne
lalanne - Exercise the BOINC API
12 Jul 2004 20:43:25 UTC
9 sextant
sextant - Screensaver development
3 Aug 2004 20:16:47 UTC
11 roger
roger - Jolly Roger Screensaver
16 Sep 2004 21:49:09 UTC
12 scroll
scroll - scrolling text display
24 Dec 2004 18:15:06 UTC
13 roulette
roulette - Russian Roulette test of error codes
11 Jun 2005 17:23:34 UTC
14 starboard
starboard - xscreensaver GL graphics suite
11 Jun 2005 17:23:34 UTC
15 cube
cube - Simple graphics demonstration
23 Aug 2006 12:15:05 UTC
*To delete an entry you must enter the word 'DELETE' in this field, in all capital letters..

Add an Application

To add an application to the project enter the short name and description ('user friendly name') below. You can then control the version limit and turn on homogeneous redundancy (if desired) when it appears in the table above.

Name Description  

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  Copyright © 2009 by Spy Hill Research http://www.Spy-Hill.net/help/boinc/manage_apps.html (served by Islay.spy-hill.com) Last modified: 03 October 2009